6 Week Challenge

6 Week Challenge

What is a 6 week challenge?
The 6 Week Challenge is an intense program designed to get your fitness back on track quickly in a healthy, manageable, and maintainable way. This is the first step towards life long healthy living.
The 6 Week Challenge includes Power workouts 3 days a week with cardio, strength and core work in every workout. You’ll be working at your highest level of intensity and every workout is for every level. It aslo includes Nutrition & Accountability so you’re sure to see amazing results.
You will lose fat, gain strength, build healthy habits and stick to them. The focus is on creating quality habits and accomplishing small goals. When you do this consistently and sustainably in six weeks, you create a new normal within you.
This program is offered seasonally. Please contact us for availability.
Want to learn more?
Send us your questions about our 6 Week Challenge program