

What is Karate
Our Okinawan system is called Isshin Ryu meaning One Heart Way. It is based on traditional self-defense of farmers and fisherman on the island of Okinawa. In today’s world, it also emphasizes on self –defense, but more importantly on self-improvement. Physically and mentally you will grow to have confidence, self-discipline, a positive attitude and mind set. Our motto is DON’T BE DENIED. Work hard for your goals and dreams and achieve them! Karate is NOT just a hobby… it’s a way of life!
Improve in ALL aspects of your life! We teach kids and adults 4 and up! Grow physically stronger and mentally sharper! Develop that “Yes I can” attitude and watch everything in your life improve for the better :)
Classes are year round – start anytime. Classes are separated by age and experience. Start by scheduling an appointment to watch one of our classes. You’ll soon see we are not a part time club. We are a full time facility that has something for the entire family.
Want to learn more?
Send us your questions about our Karate programs