Training Options

We offer a variety of training options to fit your specific needs

Personal Training
Our personal trainers work with you to create an individualized plan for achieving your fitness goals by leading you through exercise routines while offering words of encouragement during training sessions
Team Training
Our team training uses collaborative tasks and various types of activities to enhance social relations and define roles within teams. Many of our team-building exercises aim to expose and address interpersonal problems within the group.
Sport Specific
Our sports team trainers work with your team to achieve maximum team efficiency, the ability to achieve a given performance repeatedly, in a selected sports discipline limited by rules.
Elite Athlete Training
An elite athlete is an athlete with potential for competing in the Olympics or as a professional athlete who plays a sport for a living. All physical training, whether for speed, strength, power, size or endurance, has a limited shelf life. Everything you have done or will ever do in training will eventually stop working. The reason why is that the body’s response to a given intensity or volume of training will get progressively smaller with each exposure, until eventually it reaches zero. Elite athletes need a much higher level of stimulation because anything else will just be spinning their wheels.

Want to learn more?
Contact us with your Training questions